Please, let it go.

Racists, homophobes, elitists and every separatist idealists out there who believe their belief structure is the way forward for everyone and damn those who disagree... I may not have a lot of money, but I'll give you enough money to go buy a fucking clue that will hopefully lead you to realising YOU are what it keeping the rest of humanity from evolving and reaching our next evolutionary step, let alone a higher sense on consciousness. There will never be an end to "war" until we can stop fighting within ourselves and putting ourselves before others. Every single religion and belief system preaches peace and love for each other, yet so many forget that from moment to moment.
It shouldn't matter what sex a person is, who they go to bed with or how they dress. A person’s character and ability is not confined to their looks and the sooner we all drop this ugly trait, the better.
Personally, I've recently lost my job, I'm worried about paying my rent, I've split from my wife and my new partner who I have fallen head over heals for is leaving the UK to go back home to America and I will not get to see her for a minimum of a year, possibly two. For someone who has basically been in different relationships constantly for around 15 years, this is a terrifying idea... But I've still reached out to people who I know have needed help recently, why? Because I can see when others need help and I would never want anyone to go through the alienation and loneliness I have, in part, brought on myself.
My partner found her flatmate completely freaking out and in a heightened state of panic and anxiety and had no idea what to do. I didn’t even know them and I hadn’t even met this person, but I advised her on how to help her friend and deal with their panic and anxiety and told them to pass on the message that I am here for them and if they need or want any advice, I will be an open ear for them. I may not be the best person in expressing my own feelings but I’m fucked if I’m not going to do my best to stop someone hitting the lows I’ve hit.
I'm no saint, far from it, but even I can see that until we all realise that, at the base of everything, we need understanding and tolerance of others, their way of life and their beliefs, without that, we will just implode. The complete shutdown of communication because of a disagreement on ideas will get us nowhere fast, in fact, absolutely nowhere. The media are no help at all, hidden agendas, back-handers and affiliations with scumbags of every kind just muddy the already almost pitch black minefield of life and until we all realise this, nothing can be done.
The nature of human greed is so upsetting, it still shocks me the lows we are capable of. You have people like Nestle Chairman Peter Brabeck-Letmathe who believes that water isn't a human right and everyone should have to pay for it, this an astounding statement that to me, is bordering on the psychotic. Then you have Uruguayan president Jose Mujica who gives away around 90% plus of his monthly wage away to charity. This is not what we see daily by anyone in power, but why not? Why aren’t we leading by example more? And why don’t other care enough to do these things? As I said, I’m no saint either, but I can see when someone is in need and I feel guilt when I am unable to help someone out which is probably why I try to reach out to those I know who may be in need of something as little as a shoulder to cry on or an open ear to just listen and not question. I’ve had some pretty silly and stupid rants to friends or in personal blogs that were almost fevered rantings. Hey, they happen, doesn’t mean I am a bad person for it and neither are others, just try to be there for those in need.
When celebs give money to charity, most do it anonymously. Look at Jay-Z and Beyonce giving money to help out people from Baltimore or when Ellen Page came out as a Lesbian or when Benedict Cumberbatch wore a t-shirt with “This is what a feminist looks like” written on it. All these people have had hate thrown at them in various forms, but why? What is it about humans that we just have to tear each other down? A good joke is great for everyone and help bond people, but to just throw unadulterated hate at each other, removing people from their lives and such is completely counter-productive and frankly an awful thing to do.
I have a friend who put up a status on FB the other day that they bought a homeless person a sandwich, a drink and something else. I can bet you that at least a few people thought the status was for attention, but you know what? Who gives a shit, a person in need was fed for an evening but some judgmental keyboard warrior is gonna try and tell others about themselves? Bitch, please get down off your high horse, because again, this is what needs to end.
This has probably gone off topic and has probs gone a bit ranty, but I don’t care.
I wanted to end this with a pretty amazing quote that Hatebreed used at the start of their song Before Dishonor
"Its not the blood you spill that gets you what you want - it's the blood we share, your family, your friendships, your community! These are the most valuable things a man can have!"

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